Shareholder Communications Policy
- The Company is committed to regularly communicating with shareholders in a timely, accessible and clear manner with respect to both procedural matters and major issues affecting the Company. To achieve this, the Company communicates with shareholders through a range of forums and publications.
- The reference to shareholder in this Policy includes holders of shares, options and other securities of the Company.
Electronic and Written communications
- The Company aims to ensure that its Annual Report provides shareholders with a good understanding of the Company’s activities, performance and position for the previous financial year.
- Shareholders can elect to receive an electronic copy or a hard copy of the Annual Report. The Company encourages shareholders to support its commitment to the environment by electing to receive the Annual Report and other communications electronically by registering their email address with the Company’s share registry.
- As detailed in its Continuous Disclosure Policy, the Company is committed to complying with, and taking a proactive approach to, its continuous disclosure obligations. This extends to promptly providing all applicable securities regulators (including the ASX), with all necessary information and communications for publication on the ASX website.
- The Company aims to provide shareholders with comprehensive and timely access to Company documents and releases through its website. The Company’s website will include:
- copies of the Company’s articles of association, Board and committee charters and key corporate governance policies;
- copies of all material information lodged with the ASX and any other applicable securities regulators and securities exchanges;
- copies of all announcements, briefings and speeches made to the market, analysts or the media;
- the last three years of press releases or announcements made by the Company;
- the last three years of financial data for the Company;
- the full text of notices of shareholder meetings and explanatory material;
- the Company’s Annual Reports for the last three financial years;
- the names, photographs and brief biographical information for each of the Company’s directors and senior executives;
- webcasts (as and when available);
- presentations provided to financial analysts; and
- advanced notice of all open briefings to institutional investors and analysts, including presentation materials.
- Other information and updates may be provided to shareholders via periodic mail-outs. In addition, the Company allows shareholders to elect to receive email communications where appropriate.
Shareholder Participation
- The Company encourages shareholders to submit questions or requests for information directly to the Company via the Company’s website at http://splitit.localsite.
- The Company’s board of directors encourages all shareholders to attend and participate in the Company’s annual meeting of shareholders.
- The Company’s external auditor will attend the Company’s annual meeting and will be available to answer questions from shareholders about the conduct of the audit and preparation of the auditor’s report.
Share Registry and Contact Details
- Shareholders who wish to update personal or contact information, elect to receive communications electronically, or wish to ask a question related to their shareholding in the Company should contact their broker or the Company’s share registry, Automic Pty Ltd.
- The contact details are:
email: [email protected]
telephone: 1300 288 664
post: Level 3, 50 Holt Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010